Public Administrations

BDO is the auditor of choice for public administrations. We perform our audits in accordance with the Swiss Auditing Practice Statement 60 as well as the applicable legal provisions at cantonal and municipal level. We also liaise closely with the responsible municipal audit bodies (business audit committee, accounts audit committee and finance committee). It means we avoid redundancy in the audit and safeguard a high level of audit efficiency.


Our services:

  • Full or limited scope audit of the municipal or cantonal financial statements.
  • Support for the municipal audit authority in auditing the annual financial statements. A BDO expert takes care of all the key steps in the financial audit and guides the audit authority skilfully and systematically through the audit of the annual financial statements.

Contact us

Key contacts

Gianmarco Zanolari

Gianmarco Zanolari

Head of Office St. Gallen & Herisau - Partner
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Pirmin Marbacher

Pirmin Marbacher

Head of the Sector for Public Administrations & NPO/NGO, Lucerne
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Stephan Bolliger

Stephan Bolliger

Member of the Executive Committee, Head of Regional Management Northwestern Switzerland, Aarau - Partner
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