Transaction Services / Due Diligence

Adding value at every stage of your transaction process

Are you planning to buy or sell a company? Our experts support you throughout the decision-making process and beyond as you plan and execute your transaction. We work closely with our clients and cultivate a culture of regular and open communication.

We assess the financial, tax and legal situation of potential targets for you throughout Switzerland and in over 160 countries around the world. Our clients include:

  • Strategic investors
  • Private equity and other financial investors
  • Private investors
  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Entrepreneurs, private and institutional owners

Our services


Are you looking to invest in a company? Do you need a skilled partner to support you with advisory, financial, tax or legal services? We tailor our work to your needs – so you can rely on a sound decision-making basis for your planned transaction.

We help create value throughout your buy-side transaction by considering aspects such as:

  • Quality of earnings
  • Normalisation of EBITDA/EBIT and modelling of long-term operating performance and profitability
  • Review and assessing the potential of management forecasts
  • Impairment testing of assets and completeness testing of liabilities
  • Identification of debt and debt-like positions
  • Normalisation of net working capital
  • Locked-box mechanisms or closing accounts
  • Identification and wording of representations and warranties as well as indemnifications

Key buy-side services include:

  • Comprehensive financial, tax or legal due diligence
  • Red flag due diligence in specific financial, tax or legal areas
  • Review of vendor due diligence or vendor assistance reports
  • Reviews with restricted data access


We support you in conducting a Vendor Due Diligence or Vendor Assistance and prepare a complete report on the company to be sold.

Our Vendor Due Diligence and Vendor Assistance reports are designed to provide potential buyers with an informative and comprehensive overview of the financial and tax situation of the company. The report aims to enable interested parties to make informed and objective decisions.

The benefits of a Vendor Due Diligence and Vendor Assistance are:

  • Objective, transparent, and comprehensible presentation of the financial situation of the target company
  • Early identification of value drivers and impairments
  • Reduction of transaction costs for the management of the target company and other parties involved in the transaction
  • Promotion of investor engagement 
  • Targeted management of the sale process, including timing
  • Informed purchase offers
  • Controlled release of commercially sensitive information at all times (which can be particularly important in bidding competitions)

Contact us

Key contacts

Marcel Jans

Marcel Jans

Head of Deal Advisory Switzerland, Zurich - Partner
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Marcel Gertsch

Marcel Gertsch

Head of Advisory Northwestern Switzerland, Aarau - Partner
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Benjamin Haldimann

Benjamin Haldimann

Head of Transaction Services Switzerland, Zurich - Partner
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Charles-Henri Benoit

Charles-Henri Benoit

Head of Deal Advisory Western Switzerland Region, Deputy Director, Lausanne
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Michael Sahli

Michael Sahli

Head of Deal Advisory Swiss Plateau Region, Senior Manager, Berne & Langenthal
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Matthias Büeler

Matthias Büeler

Head of Deal Advisory Central Switzerland, Lucerne - Partner
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