
Looking for support from professionals who understand your market? We combine subject matter expertise with industry know-how.

BDO is familiar with the challenges your industry faces and we’re ready to help you with practical knowledge and many years of industry experience. Let us support you on your journey – whether you’re opening a practice or thinking about succession planning. More than 500 doctors and dentists already place their trust in us.

Setting up on your own with a new practice is a great undertaking. You need reliable partners to help you navigate your fiduciary, insurance, banking, HR and legal issues. We strive to build rewarding and trusting working relationships through our comprehensive range of services. You too can benefit from our know-how.

Are you a partner in a group practice or an employed physician? We're here to answer any questions you might have related to your practice. Our experts advise you on organisational or legal matters and support you with cost allocation, contract design, tax and pension planning. We can also help you decide which legal form to choose.

Is it time to tackle succession planning? Or do you need a professional valuation of your practice? Drawing on our expertise, we’ll advise you and guide you towards the best solution for your individual needs.

Our Services


  • Choice of legal form: joint-stock company or sole proprietorship
  • Support with financing
  • Company incorporation
  • Business plan and finance plan
  • Support in dealing with authorities
  • Drafting of contracts – negotiations
  • Support with social security registration
  • Insurance advice
  • Recording of working hours
  • Project support and coaching
  • Accounting software
  • Setting up bookkeeping
  • MPA coaching
  • Practice IT system
  • Advice on Tarmed


  • Financing support
  • Drafting of contracts
  • Insurance Consulting
  • Insurance Consulting
  • Project support and coaching
  • Support and planning with finance


  • Accounting and financial statements
  • Bookkeeping
  • Payroll accounting
  • Personnel administration
  • Accounts payable
  • Collection and debtor management
  • Employment contracts
  • Pension advice
  • Tax advice
  • VAT advice
  • Financial reporting advice
  • Tax optimisation
  • Advice on occupational pension fund purchases
  • Business management consulting
  • Profitability analysis
  • Financial controlling
  • Tarmed consulting
  • Sector comparison


  • Choice of legal form
  • Support with financing
  • Contract drafting and advice
  • Establishment of medical centres/group practices
  • Advice on allocation formula
  • VAT advice
  • Entry and exit of partners


  • Succession planning
  • Practice valuation
  • Tax planning and optimisation
  • Pension advice
  • Advice on occupational pension fund purchases
  • Practice sale
  • Contract drafting and negotiations
  • Partial sale of medical practice
  • Deregistration from social security
  • Liquidation


  • Liquidation
  • Transfer of business assets to private assets
  • Tax planning and optimization
  • Pension advice
  • Deregistration from social security
  • Continued employment as a secondary activity

Arzt im Angestelltenverhältnis

  • Tax return
  • Pension advice
  • Tax optimisation
  • Bonus model
  • Review of employment contracts

Key contacts

Ursula Willi

Ursula Willi

Co-Head of Sector Centre Physicians, Business Solutions, Solothurn
personView bio
Fabian Wildhaber

Fabian Wildhaber

Co-Head of Sector Centre Physicians, Swiss Certified Fiduciary Expert, Lucerne
personView bio

Contact us